We provide the world's best scallops to our wholesale customers. Expect top notch customer service, a consistent product and happy end users.
We can ship to the EU and other nations including the Middle East. Please reach out for details.

About Our Scallops
Heralded as the "Dom Perignon" of scallops, our delicious products have been featured by restaurant and home chefs for over a decade.
Maine’s dayboat fishermen produce a very small quantity of scallops whose flavors and textures vary with geography and within the season.
We are pleased to be able to offer our premium scallops to you with wholesale service and pricing.

What's Available
Fresh dayboat scallop varietals - availability will change with the season.
December to March --> Several dayboat scallop varietals are available throughout Maine’s inshore season.
April to June --> the popular Stellwagen Bank varietal will be available.
May to November --> vacuum-sealed flash frozen scallops as well as occasional fresh shipments from Cape Cod dayboats.

What You Can Expect
Scallop size will vary between 15-20 per pound.
All scallops are boat run with minimal sorting to remove broken, discolored or unusually small scallops.
Scallops are shipped within 24 hours of harvest, packaged in 4-pound or 1-pound oxygen-permeable cryovac bags to enhance quality.

Domestic orders are typically shipped on Wednesday from Maine via Fed Ex Priority Overnight or UPS Overnightand are generally received by noon on Thursday.
Price per pound includes shipping.
We accept orders weekly until Noon on Tuesdays. When weather prevents Tuesday harvest, scallops may be harvested on Monday (shipped Tuesday) or Wednesday (shipped Thursday).

Everything You Need to Know
Download our flyer for more information about our premium product and our high quality wholesale services.